The club has a thriving junior programme, with over 600 juniors taking part in sessions on a weekly basis. There are sessions for players of all ages and levels, with coaching open to members and non-members of the club. The junior programme splits into two strands, the Club Programme and the Academy Programme.
The Club programme caters for new and recreational players, who are looking to learn and improve in high quality group coaching sessions. Players usually take part in one group coaching session each week, in line with the school term. Groups start with pre-school tots sessions, for players aged 3 and over, then continue through the red, orange and green stages, for players aged 5-10, and then move into our junior yellow ball sessions, for players aged 11+.
Our academy programme is geared towards producing players of a county, regional, national and even international level, across all age groups on a consistent basis. The academy programme is aimed at aspiring and committed young players, who are training multiple times a week, in group and individual sessions and taking part in competitions at their relevant age group. The Club is an LTA Local Player Development Centre, which recognises that the programme is consistently producing players of a County level at the 10 & under age groups.
We have a vastly experienced coaching team who work on both our academy and club programmes. The team are all LTA qualified, licenced, DBS and first checked and are passionate about helping players of all ages and levels improve their game.
There are limited spaces on our junior coaching programme groups, but we will try and fit in new players when we can! If you would like further information on either our club programme or academy programme please email us, tenniscoaching@surbiton.org.